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Customer Testimonials

Great Information!! This whole class has reenergized me and gave me the motivation needed to build my craft!! Thank you Ms. Renee & The Global Trichology Team for making this available for us!

Karen Evans-Styles By KC

I had noooooo idea when I took this course how much I would learn,. I recommend this course to every cosmetologist out there who wants to provide more then just a nice style for their clients. My clientele has grown since I took this course. The education I have been able to share with them and the confidence and understanding I have now is priceless. Thank You Global Trichology.

Michelle Garcia-Elite Hair Design

I am very honored to meet you and experience

your course. Most of all I love the experience and the knowledge of the Instructor, Mrs. S. Renee Wiggs, the author of a well put together handbook and much more!!!.

As a Cosmetologist, now... Trichologist and Master hair braider, I'm also a licensure for hair braiders and teach different techniques involving hair and health. Global Trichology gives my student a new and broader avenue. I'm very proud to be associated with Global Trichology and will be soon furthering my education with you!!!

May God bless, 

Tomalene Carr - Legendary Techniques & Hair Braiding

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