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Hair Loss In Women (All Ethnicities)

While more than 60 million men and women suffer with thinning hair and/or severe hair loss, women in many cases, experience hair loss differently and on various areas on the head.

At Re Nue Hair Health Regenerate offices, we conduct an in-depth consultation of each client, followed by the correct diagnosis and professional treatment(s), unique to each individual.

Global Trichology works to ensure that research regarding a clients, family history, medical background, nutrition and dietary lifestyle, salon hair service regimens as well as emotional and physiological challenges are factored into every evaluation.

Age Related Hair Loss

Diffuse hair loss (hair thinning), Alopecia areata, genetic hair loss, hormonal imbalance, estrogen reduction and chronic illness are all reasons to consider as we age.

Beginning as a cosmetologist with most of my clients more than 30 years ago, together we have grown through this aging process. As a Trichologist, which is a specialized branch of dernmatology, and hair health care practitioner, I have helped expose many health related conditions simply through hair and scalp examinations. This expertise in hair loss has provided open dialogue for many clients and their physicians to check other health related issues.

Male Hair Loss

Men of all ethnicities and backgrounds - of all ages at one time or another will experience diffuse hair loss (hair thinning). Hair loss for men can be an emotional challenge for men as well as women. However, with the proper consultation, diagnosis and treatment, many times, at the Global trichology "Re Nue Hair regeneration offices," we can both maintain and stimulate hair grow with a customized hair maintenance system.

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